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Dr. Barry R. 发怒

Professor of Religious Studies


Religious Studies


  • PhD, Biblical Studies, Union Presbyterian Seminary
  • ThM, Columbia Theological Seminary
  • MTS, Eden Theological Seminary
  • BA, Principia College


Dr. Barry R. 发怒 has conducted research on the Bible and its history of interpretation in locations ranging from New England and the United Kingdom to Belgium and the Middle East. 发怒 spent a term researching his dissertation at Oxford University, and he graduated with distinction from Union Presbyterian Seminary with a PhD in Biblical Studies. His dissertation explored how the book of Job engages with and transforms the language and theology found in the priestly texts of the Torah. 发怒’s current writing on biblical interpretation in nineteenth-century New England is based on his archival research at the Congregational 图书馆 and Archives, Harvard Divinity School 图书馆, Mary Baker Eddy 图书馆, Massachusetts Historical Society, and New Hampshire Historical Society. 发怒 directed a study abroad program to 以色列, 巴勒斯坦, 和约旦, and he has lectured on Principia Lifelong Learning Trips to Greece, 以色列, 巴勒斯坦, 和约旦. 


Delivered over 300 lectures across the United States and internationally

  • Presented papers at Annual Meetings of the Society of Biblical Literature to the following sections: Bible and Visual Art; Ecological Hermeneutics; Recovering Female Interpreters of the Bible; Space, 的地方, and Lived Experience in Antiquity; Theology of the Hebrew Scriptures; and Wisdom in 以色列ite and Cognate Traditions    
  • Created 26 podcasts on the Ten Commandments, the Beatitudes, and the Lord’s Prayer
  • Published numerous articles and co-edited Samuel E. Balentine’s Festschrift


  • Society of Biblical Literature
  • American Academy of Religion
  • American Society of Church 历史

  • Teacher of the Year, Principia College, 2013 and 2019
  • Fellowships from the Massachusetts Historical Society, Mary Baker Eddy 图书馆, New England Regional Fellowship Consortium, Schusterman Center for 以色列 Studies, Principia College, Union Presbyterian Seminary, and Eden Theological Seminary
  • 小拉尔夫·科尔比. 乔治A奖. 和弗朗西斯·K. Andrews Award, Robert J. Glenn Memorial Award, and Mabel Axcy Dominick Bible 历史 Award, Principia College


  • Co-editor with Patricia Vesely, Seeking Wisdom’s Depths and Torah’s Heights: Essays in Honor of Samuel E. Balentine. Macon, GA: Smyth & Helwys 2020.
  • “Job the Priest: From Scripture to Sculpture.” Pages 327–53 in Seeking Wisdom’s Depths and Torah’s Heights: Essays in Honor of Samuel E. Balentine. Edited by Barry R. 发怒 and Patricia Vesely. Macon, GA: Smyth & Helwys 2020.
  • “From Societal Scorn to Divine Delight: Job’s Transformative Portrayal of Wild Animals.” Interpretation: A Journal of Bible and Theology 73 (2019): 248–58.
  • “Mary Baker Eddy: Liberating Interpreter of the Pauline Corpus.” Pages 245–58 in Strangely Familiar: Protofeminist Interpretations of Patriarchal Biblical Texts. Edited by Nancy Calvert-Koyzis and Heather Weir. Atlanta: Society of Biblical Literature, 2009.

Dr. 巴里·哈夫简历