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Dr. Gretchen Starr-LeBeau

Jeanne and George Todd Professor of Religious Studies 
Chair of the 历史 Department


Religious Studies


  • Ph D, 历史, University of Michigan
  • MA, 历史, University of Michigan
  • BA Interdisciplinary Studies (历史 and Anthropology), with high distinction, University of Virginia


Dr. Gretchen Starr-LeBeau, Jeanne and George Todd Professor of Religious Studies, joined the Religious Studies Program at Principia College after teaching for several years at the University of Kentucky. Her teaching focuses on comparative 宗教 and the history of 宗教; she teaches courses covering world 宗教s; the Holocaust; and gender, 宗教, 和法律. Dr. Starr-LeBeau's research addresses inquisitorial history, Jewish converts to Christianity, and popular piety. She has also published work on gender in inquisitorial courts in Spain and Venice, and on penance in the early modern world. She has previous chaired the Religious Studies program and the Department of Languages and Cultures, and currently serves as Humanities division head.


Dr. Starr-LeBeau's research addresses inquisitorial history, Jewish converts to Christianity, and popular piety. She has also published work on gender in inquisitorial courts in Spain and Venice, and on religious penance in the early modern world. Her current research project focuses on forensic evidence in the 西班牙语 Inquisition.


Dr. Starr-LeBeau is the author of In the Shadow of the Virgin: Inquisitors, 修道士, and Conversos in Guadalupe, Spain (Princeton University Press, 2003) and Seven Myths of the 西班牙语 Inquisition (Hackett, 2023). She also co-edited Judging Faith, Punishing Sin: Inquisitions and Consistories in the Early Modern World (Cambridge University Press, 2017), translated into 西班牙语 as Fe y Castigo (Catedra, 2018). Her most recent article is “A Global “Infection” of Judaizing: Investigations of New Jews and New Christians in the 1630s and 1640s” in Interfaith Relationships and Perceptions of the Other in the Medieval Mediterranean (Palgrave Press, 2021).


  • Sixteenth Century Studies Renaissance Society of America Association of 西班牙语 and Portuguese Historical Studies

  • Horace Edwin Harper Jr. and Evelyn Wright Harper Award for Teaching Excellence (2020)
  • Sabbatical Fellowship
  • American Philosophical Society Fellowship
  • American Council of Learned Societies (declined) Finalist
  • National Jewish Book Award in 历史
  • Fulbright Fellowship
  • 安德鲁·W. Mellon Candidacy Fellowship
  • Phi Beta Kappa


  • Recent academic book reviews include a review of Lu Ann Homza, Village Infernos and Witches' Advocates: Witch-Hunting in Navarre, 1608-1614 in The Journal of Modern 历史
  • Review of Byron Hamann, Bad Christians, New Spains: Muslims, Catholics, and Native Americans in Mediterratlantic World in Ethnohistory.
  • Recent presentations include "Inquisition Tales" at the Telling Stories, Telling Silences workshop at Boston College (June 2023) and "Embodied Epistemologies: Evaluating Evidence in the 西班牙语 Inquisition" at the Renaissance Society of America meeting (March 2022).

Dr. Gretchen Starr-LeBeau CV